Stages of a Cold Sore

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There are three stages of a cold sore. The first stage is an infection that has already burst but is still being secreted by the body. The second stage is the stage where the cold sore or fever blister has not fully matured yet but is still growing. Finally, the third stage is the stage that the cold sore or fever blister has fully mature and it is scabbing.

Stage 1

The first stage of a cold sore is often confused as a canker sore. This is due to the fact that you may not feel anything during this stage. However, this does not mean that the virus has disappeared from your body yet. It is still being secreted by your body and it is still being contracted from another person. This is due to the fact that a canker sore or pimple can disappear on its own but a cold sore or a fever blister cannot.

Stage 2

In the second stage, the first symptoms of a cold sore will start to manifest. This stage may be accompanied with a tingling or burning feeling in your lip or the area that the cold sore is located. The first sign of a fever blister would manifest around day 3.

Stage 3

In the third stage, the second stage will be complete. The third stage will be accompanied with a blister that is grayish brown in color and is usually several shades lighter than your skin. This stage is the most painful, with itching that can become unbearable. The blister will also get bigger and redder.

Cold Sore Stages

No one knows the actual cold sore stages because not everyone suffers from an outbreak. However, there are trends that can be used to tell the development of a cold sore. These stages can be classified into the following categories according to the severity of the symptoms that have manifested.

First Stage: The first stage of a cold sore is commonly known as the prodrome stage. This is the stage where you feel the tingling or burning sensation in the area where the cold sore is going to appear. This is also the stage where the virus is still being contracted and being secreted.

Second Stage: This is the best stage for the cold sore. After the prodrome, this is the stage where the sore is developing very slowly. The blister is still a few shades smaller than your lips at this point.

Third Stage: At this point, the blister is already big enough to be seen with the naked eye. TheThird stage is the critical one for cold sores. This is the stage where the blister is blossoming. The blister is now open, and starting to get healed.

Cold Sore Removal

Now that you know the stages of a cold sore, you know the phases that you have to look out for. Once the sore has blossomed and split the skin, it will be transmission to the open healing area. According to the experts, once the blister has been ruptured and made contact with the open wound, it is so widespread and accessible to any living being that it will result in extreme immunity to any antibiotics that is used. Therefore, the act of taking any antibiotic can destroy the client’s defense. Once the client’s immunity is gone, the bacterial infection inside the lesion will follow suit.

This is the best reason for cold sore sufferers to take a cold shower rather than use any medications. You should take a cold shower while the sore is still healing. This is the best cold sore treatment that can be given to a scab.

Many cold sore sufferers take a bit of Allow Meetus powder in warm water while having a bath to prevent the scab from cracking.

Ointments and cremes: There are many of these available at the local chemist’s store. You can also make them yourself from vegetables and fruits. Enzymes that reduce the itchy feeling on the lip are also considered as effective cold sore remedies.While they are still being ignored by cold sore sufferer’s they have received good reviews online.

While some online testimonials recommend the BoilX cold sore relief, you can also use Aucterm. To find out more about this product, just type BoilX into your web browser.

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