Toe Nail Fungus Treatment

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Nail fungus isonents of an infection that can spread from finger to toe toes or from toe to foot. If this disease is left untreated it will spread to the other foot and in turn to the other foot and to other parts of the body. Also, since the fungus is quite contagious, it can spread to the people who come in contact with the person who already has the infection.

Toe nail fungus treatment can be done with different medications as oral medication, topical medication or ointments that are applied directly to the infected area. The medication may be in the form of an anti fungal solution, an ointment or gel and a medication called Lamisil. This medicine is used to kill the fungus. Since the fungus is very stubborn and can build up resistance to the medication, the effect of the treatment can vary from person to person. It is best to consult a doctor about the same.

Having an infection doesn’t make a person an unhealthy person. However, if the person is unhygienic and practices an unhealthy lifestyle, the fungus can become active and spread to other toes or to different parts of the body. This may result to a larger infection that can spread to the rest of the body.

The people who are at a high risk of having toe nail fungus are those who wear their feet in damp public areas such as swimming pools and shower rooms. They also are at the risk of having prolonged contact with others, such as their bare feet if they are in contact with an infected person’s foot. This is because these public areas provide an ideal condition for the fungus to thrive.

Doctors will usually recommend a medicated anti-fungal lotion or an anti-fungal medicine that can be applied to the infected area. If the fungus is found in the nails, it can be removed as a preventative measure. It may leave a stub or scar in place of the nail. Microsurgical removal is a procedure of surgical procedure wherein the toenail is removed and the part that is infected is scraped out, thus removing the fungus. This procedure, although expensive, is the best toe nail fungus treatment for most people as it eradicates the fungus completely. It is, however, not advisable as it may leave permanent scars on your toes.

Thoroughly clean the harbor area where you live or where you go without shoes such as public showers and change your bed aprons and other things that you usually use should be washed and disinfected to avoid the tiny organisms from infecting you. You should be particularly careful in dry areas such as shower rooms and saunaChanging areas. An anti-fungal medicine, containing fungi killing agents, is recommended.

Ointments, creams and other materials that are small plastic or fabric things that suffocate the feet should be avoided. Regular bandages should be changed and bleach should be put into it if the infection is deep. The fabric in the shoes should be well washed to avoid the agents that help fungus growth. Ground wood should be rubbed with a pumice stone to remove the dead layer of the nail and avoid the agents that prevent a viable fungus from curing.

Many products are available to help you. These usually have fungal killing agents mixed in to them such as benzoyl peroxide, tea tree oil, receptacle inexfoliating tablets, and others.

Aloe veraentertainment is very good for treating toe nail fungus. It can live even in dead of winter. The part of the plant that you have cuts off with a sterilized scissors can also be used for the purpose. Simply take a thin piece of the plant leaf and apply it directly to the infected area for half an hour, then clean up the area with a hydrogen peroxide and apply a fresh dressing. This treatment should be repeated on a regular basis for a few weeks.

Tea tree oilpowerful antifungal properties, particularly when it is applied directly to the infected nail, can help to kill yeast, too. Apply a Tea Tree oil paste two or three times a day, then after allowing the antifungal ointment to dry, use a nail polish.

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