Best at Home Microdermabrasion

Best At Home Microdermabrasion

Best at Home Microdermabrasion – How to Get Glowing Skin Without Pain

Sometimes you might wonder how easy it would be to achieve glowing skin in pregnancy. Well, the answer to that question is clear and easy – microdermabrasion!

Before I show you how to get glowing skin in pregnancy, let’s take a quick look at microdermabrasion. Microdermabrasion is a non-surgical process of removing dead skin cells. It can be done with a microdermabrasion kit or sometimes with a professional treatment at a doctor’s office.

Under the guidance of a professional, a menstrually-aged woman can have microdermabrasion to take off her dead skin. What she does is to cleanse her face with a soft wash cloth, sponge it on her face, and then use a suction machine to get the machine to juice a wand-like instrument that has a traditional wand attached to it.

The next thing she does is to rub the machine against her skin with what is known as a “washcloth”. Some women recommend following up with a moisturizer, but that is not a necessary component of the microdermabrasion process. What it does is to remove the remains of any make-up that was used.

Next, the woman applies a thin layer of an antioxidant cream on her skin. This antioxidant cream could be from an ingredient in a store-bought antioxidant product, such as aloe vera, and vitamin E. Another alternative would be to use a cream that contains alpha-tocopherol (the synthetic form of vitamin E).

Now, just as a quick side note here, aloe vera can cause some people to have an allergic reaction. Unless you have a doctor’s prescription, you can’t inhale the pure plant scent and most likely you can’t ingest the plant itself.

Next, the woman needs to rub the machine and herself with a crystal sponge. This is to completely remove any traces of the old skin that rather thoroughly clean the face and even help the new skin to emerge.

She focuses on breathing in gently through her nose and filling her lungs. Then, she begins to laugh, tells the attendant that she is having a good day, and leads the way into the next area of the salon.

Negatives of Microdermabrasion

There are some things you may not like about microdermabrasion. There is no massage, although the machine mentionedioned above does have a gentle vibrating fan whirring as it is used. Sometimes the circulation in the area is compromised, but it is not always the case.

Generally speaking, if you do microdermabrasion correctly, you can expect the effects to last for about six to eight months, although some people use it throughout that time. Any stretch marks, freckles, sun damage, or scars can be helped with this procedure.

The cons of microdermabrasion are somewhat obvious and you can probably tell where a machine will be used. They are numerous, mostly minor, but there are some cons that are not so minor.

If you have hyperpigmentation problems such as macules, birthmarks, or vitiligo, then you may not be a good candidate for this procedure. Also, you may notice some redness, tightness, or swelling after the procedure. There are cases of light cosmetic surgery scars being aggravated because of the treatment.

You could go natural, but the machine is not made to handle your every need so a professional can only offer advice on what would be best for you and their facility.

Also, hyperpigmentation in darker skin types is another problem because of the energy from the Clagen induction. Too much of this type of energy can cause the skin to become an unnatural color.

Before having any type of cosmetic surgery, you should always consult with a plastic surgeon or dermatologist. They can help you to make the best decision for your needs and can answer any questions you may have. It is always a good idea to see pre-surgery before you issue a birthmark so that you can make certain your skin is ready to go.

Although microdermabrasion is an effective way to remove imperfections on the skin, it is not ideal for everyone. There are many variables that affect each client’s microdermabrasion results, such as their skin type, pigmentation tone, texture, and age.

Each time you have a treatment, the skin tends to go through a state of fluid healing. When the wounds are completely healed, a new layer of skin will appear, taking the appearance of the old layer’s discoloration.

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