Homemade Face Moisturizers Soften and Revitalize Your Skin

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Homemade Face Moisturizers Soften and Revitalize Your Skin

Homemade face moisturizers are becoming a popular topic here on the Florida Gulf Beaches. Not only are they quick to make and extremely inexpensive, they also give women total control over what ingredients are being absorbed into their skin.

For the past several months, I’ve noticed a few stores locally have become more proactive in guarding their own merchandise. Rather than having sales people come in and sellpriced products, they’ve started offering merchandise that is fractionalized to offer their customers a better value.

Several stores are even offering store credit to boost your purchasing decision. That’s really all these stores are doing is trying to give you the option of shopping for you.

Another feature of many homemade face moisturizers are that they’re typically made out of all natural ingredients. As a matter of fact, nature has given us some great gifts when it comes to skin care.

There are tons of herbs and spices that can do wonders with your skin and those that contain vitamin B are even natural skin protectants. One of my favorite recipes for homemade face moisturizers is a vitamin B serum.

The steps for this exfoliating mask are simple and all you’ll need is a bowl, some clean wet rags and a bottle of vitamin B serum. The serum you choose should be blotting and come in a blue bottle.

The first step you need to make is to add half a teaspoon of vitamin B serum to half a bowl of cold water.

Once the bowl has filled, take an empty cotton ball and dip it into the liquid adding just enough liquid to create a but thicker than a egg white.

Using a second cotton ball, dab the mask onto your face. Using a circular motion, apply the mask all over your face including your forehead, cheeks, nose and chin. Leave the mask on for about 10 minutes before washing the mask off with warm water.

This homemade face moisturizer should leave your face feeling clean and give you a healthy, glowing fresh feeling. As a matter of fact, many of my friends and clients that have used other natural skin care products that contain vitamin B have felt as if their skin and their appearance had achieved a balance that they had not seen in years.

Another important vitamin B ingredient is alpha lipoic acid. It has been shown to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and age lines. When compared to chemical-based vitamin B, alpha lipoic acid is a more natural way to support your skin’s health and give you the younger, more vibrant appearance you’re seeking.

If you’re interested insizing your homemade skin care product, here is a wonderful recipe that I personally use:

1/2 teaspoon apple cider vinegar1/8 teaspoon corn oil1 teaspoon lemon juice1 teaspoon pineapple juice

First heat a few inches of water over the stove. Add all of the ingredients above except the juice. Keep the juice handy and add it just before you turn off the heat. It will reduce the cooking time considerably. If you don’t like the taste of pineapple, you can add a teaspoon of lemon juice. Try this mask on your face and wait for it to dry before rinsing with warm water. Applying the freshly made mask on your face will give you amazing results immediately.

Keeping your skin beautiful is one of the greatest challenges of women today. Every day, a woman makes an effort to learn how to take care of herself to become more attractive to the opposite sex. Being more attractive means more compliments, more traffic, more business and getting the guy she wants. Who wouldn’t want that? Definitely a win-win situation for sure!

To keep your skin looking beautiful, simple and refreshing, add a dab of 100% pure fruit acidophilus (Babassu) oil to your homemade acne mask. What makes acidophilus good for the skin is that it is composed of natural intestinal silicon (Mirra) and live bacterial cultures. This naturally occurring microbe will help to clean the intestines and release natural hormones that can smooth out and soothe your skin.

Start your day with a homemade facial, specially formulated to suit your specific skin care needs. Try it and see how good it can make your skin look and feel. Remember, when you keep your skin healthy, it will also look beautiful.

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