Warts – The Different Types of Warts

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There are a total of eighteen different types of warts that have been identified. Of these, the three most common types are the common wart, a flat wart, and a genital wart.

Not all warts will appear on the surface of the skin. For some it may be deep down in the skin and they may even appear inside the mouth or inside the genital area.

What is a genital wart? It is a wart that appears in the genital area. Often, this type of wart is not visible and will appear as a soft, flesh colored lump.

What is a flat wart? They are small and most often appear in large numbers. They are also referred to as juvenile warts. These are small and smooth and generally have a grayish color.

What is a common wart? These are the most common type of wart. They are dry lesions that usually appear on the hands or fingers.

What is a genital wart? These are some of the most embarrassing and painful wart symptoms. They appear on the genital area and can be very painful.

Over time, people may discontinue noticing the small growths but then, in time, they reappear. The best way to treat warts is to not have them at all. If you do have some, then you should treat them before they become a problem.

What are the different types of warts?

Common warts are known to appear on the hands and fingers.

Flat warts are mostly found on the face and other parts of the body that receive the most exposure.

Filiforms are long and thin on their top side and hang down, like a leaf.

Plantar warts are firm and painful. When you have walking or standing action, they may appear like a pepper or a mushroom. They often shine in a light color.

Genital warts are located around the genital area and are also contagious. They can be transmitted through sexual intercourse.

What are the treatment methods for warts?

There are a number of methods that medical professionals use to treat warts. These methods include:

Over the counter medications such as wart removers contain an acid chemical. The acid method is known as keratolysis.

Key lotions that contain salicylic acid are also effective.

Although warts may sometimes worry people, they can be treated with a number of different methods, with success. The key to getting rid of warts is to be aware of the warts you have and to keep a doctor or dermatologist in the loop.

How are warts transmitted?

Warts spread through person to person contact, as well as on personal items such as slippers and towels. Always see a physician and don’t play with or share it with others.

What are the different types of warts?

There are many types of warts spread through skin-to-skin contact. Some of the most common include:

Common warts. Caused by the HPV (Groundroid-ovary transfer), these are closely alike other skin warts. They often appear as small raised bumps. They may be yellow in color or pinkish.

Flat warts. Also known as juvenile warts, these are small and smooth and only found on the face. They may be pink, yellow or light brown and may be flat.

Filiform warts. These warts are usually found on the face. They are long and thin.

Plantar warts. These warts appear on the soles of the feet. Because they are warm and can be painful, always seek professional treatment at the first sign of their appearance. They can be painful and may interfere with walking so treatment is recommended.

Genital warts. Occurring in the genital area, these are always multi-colored and may record a dark intimate strain.

How can I prevent warts?

Prevention is always the best medicine, but because it is such a sticky issue, the answer lies in managing exfoliation properly. Since the human papilloma virus is contagious, warts are spread from HPV infected to non-infected people by direct contact with the infected person.

In conditions like balms and creams, the warts will always be present but it is not safe to assume that partaking in regular use will provide safe protection.

A wart is only a small infection so it is spread only through physical contact with an infected person. However, there are multi-purpose and preventioniat tags such as those made out of natural plant extracts that help in getting rid of skin tags.

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